Wednesday, August 31, 2011

YOGURT ! ! !

So, yogurt.... I have always had trouble getting the girls to eat the stuff I made.

I use to make it with goat milk as that was what we had. It doesn't get as thick as when you make it with cows milk. And I added a "cheating tool" powdered milk.
I heated up 5C of milk, to 180F then turned off the heat and let it cool to about 110F (yea I do know that at this point I have pasteurized my milk and I'm not as healthy anymore, but oh well) I then added 1/3C powdered milk and whisked it in.

Then I took a 6oz container of plain yogurt (from the store) check on the back that it lists lots of live cultures. I gently stirred it with a spoon (Holli's advice) and then gently stirred it in the milk. I poured the milk into a quart canning jar and put a lid on it, and the rest fit into a pint size jar.
Elm brought in our cooler and I set the two jars in there, and added about 6 quarts of really hot tap water, and left it till in the morning.

And it was perfect! Thick, Thick. Thick.
I added abt 1 tsp of vanilla and 2 Tbsp of raw organic cane sugar (the tablespoons you find in your silverware drawer). It was just right, flavour wise, but the stirring to add the sugar and vanilla turned more runny.

Next batch I make, I will add sugar and vanilla to the milk slurry when I put it in the cooler, so all we have to do is scoop out the yumminess. The pint jar won't be flavoured, as it is my starter for my next batch (yes I will be making a bigger batch. Did you see what the girls left in that container? I had a portion, and they tried to finish all the rest of it).

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